17. Juli 2011

electrical storm

hey guys,

there are two weeks full of nonsense-school left till my holidays, the teachers are annoyed and don't want to do anything anymore, so they just let us watch films (believe me, after 6 hours of watching films with valuable, historical backgrounds, films aren't so great anymore). but there's a bright spot, on wednesday i can spend the whole day with my american partner for a day: brenna :) i'm really excited ...
there are many storms in bavaria at the moment and i was really scared when i stood on my balcony and took those photos, uahh, those storms are kinda gorgeous but another sign for the climate warming :/

thx for reading!



3 Kommentare:

  1. Vielen dank für dein Kommentar !
    Dein Blog gefällt mir, ich wollte schon immer mal ein Foto von einem Blitz machen habs aber leider noch nie geschafft :p
    wirst gleich mal verfolgt, wäre nett wenn du mich auch verfolgen würdest :) ♥

  2. seeehr tolle bilder ich habs nie geschafft :D

    feel free to follow me (new):


freue mich über jeden kommentar :) also lasst euch aus!